
See some of our proudest works!

Chromite Tailing Recycle Process Plant

Building on the success of their latest project in the corporate world, our founder was inspired to extend this value creation across the entire industry as an entrepreneur.

The patented process innovatively transforms chromite tailings, yielding chromite, olivine, and serpentine. Unlike traditional chromite processing plants, this method focuses on tailings, introducing a novel approach to extracting valuable minerals efficiently. This innovation marks a departure from conventional practices, showcasing a more sustainable and resourceful way to derive essential components from chromite tailings.

Artvin / Türkiye
Start Date
5 Months

A Pilot Processing Plant had been established - using patented process technology - to enrich 1,000,000 tons of tailings with approximately a 17% grade, containing Serpentine, Chromite, and Olivine, for obtaining chromite concentrate.

At Entegrator, we cultivate optimal solutions to enhance the project value.


Key Insights

✓ Innovative Patented Process 

The project relied on a patented process technology, indicating a commitment to innovation and a departure from conventional methods in chromite processing.

 ✓ Diverse Mineral Output 

The enrichment process targeted not only chromite but also yielded valuable minerals like Serpentine and Olivine. This diversification can contribute to a more versatile and economically viable output.

 ✓ Large-Scale Operation

Handling 1,000,000 tons of tailings reflected a large-scale operation, indicating a significant investment and a potential impact on the regional or industrial scale.

✓ Environmental Considerations

Given the use of tailings, there may be environmental benefits by repurposing waste materials. The project aligned with sustainability goals by minimizing the environmental impact associated with traditional disposal methods.

✓ Technical Challenges

Enriching tailings to obtain a chromite concentrate involves complex processes. Managing technical challenges in the patented process was crucial for the project's success.



✓ Special EPC Contractor Requirement

The hurdle we faced involved engaging vendors without the necessary qualifications to secure an EPC contract. This situation highlights the importance of ensuring that our project partners possess the required expertise and capabilities, ultimately contributing to the overall success and value creation for these projects.

✓ The humidity and particle size of the material. 

✓ The magnetic acceptance of the mineral. 

✓ Unique patent pending process design commercialization.



✓ The outcome of this processing plant project includes the successful construction of a fully high-performing Tailing Processing Pilot Plant. 

✓ The validation of the Patent Pending Process through actual production has provided confidence, leading to a clear and affirmative investment decision.

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